
Could You Be a Voice for a Child?

By Buncombe County Guardian ad Litem January 17, 2017
Each year more than half a million children suffer abuse or neglect, often resulting in the need for court intervention. A Guardian ad Litem (GAL) volunteer is the eyes and ears for a judge and the person who tells the child's story to the court. These volunteers are needed in Buncombe County to help judges make decisions regarding the best interests of each child. A volunteer's advocacy ensures that children have a safe permanent home and the appropriate services to lead a healthy successful life.

Do I need experience with the legal system to become a Guardian ad Litem?
No! Anyone with compassion and dedication to children can become a GAL; our volunteers come from all walks of life and have a variety of professional and educational backgrounds.  Our thorough training gives a strong foundation of how our juvenile court system functions and our experienced staff are readily available to  offer assistance with cases. 

What is the role of a GAL?
The main role of the GAL is to carry out an objective investigation by interviewing relevant parties (family, teacher, neighbors), identify resources and services the child might need, and convey the best interest and wishes of the child to the court by writing a court report.  

Is there a need for more volunteer GAL’s in Buncombe County?
Absolutely.  With a continued increase in caseload and over 435 kids in the program right now, we have an immediate need for additional volunteers.

There is no experience needed and training, support, and supervision are offered to assist volunteers as they work to make a difference for children.   Could you step in and speak up for a neglected or abused child in court?   Please visit our website: or call 828-259-3443 for more information.