Okay, not every Mom or Day wraps up their kids Summer Camp plans in the early bird wintertime when it's hard to even fathom the warm, long days of Summer. If you're like the rest of us and are securing those Summer Camps ya know, like now, here's 12 awesome Summer Camps we are featuring this week. There's something for everyone on this list. Just click the name of the Summer Camp in Pink to get full details!
Good reasons for Summer Camp ...
- Your child can have the best summer ever!
- You won't have to hear, "Mom, I'm bored."
- Or, "Mom, there's nothing to do."
- Your child can gain new skills.
- You actually get to work and get things done.
- Your child can avoid the Summertime slide.
- Maybe you'll get some of that mysterious Summer leisure time everyone talks about.
Check out your newsletter next week for a dozen more cool Summer Camps!
22 Franny's Farm Road
Leicester, NC 28748
Contact: Jennifer Porter
Call: 208-596-8875
Email: frannysfarmcamp@gmail.com
Eliada Summer Sports Academy
2 Compton Drive, Asheville, NC 28816
Contact: Ashley Trimnal
Call: (828) 210-0224
Email: atrimnal@eliada.org
1000 Brevard Road Ste. 168
Asheville, NC 28806
Contact: Carleigh Brown
Call: (828) 667-9588
Email: tlgashevillenc@thelittlegym.com
Zaniac Kids STEAM Lab Summer Camps!
1 Town Square Blvd. Suite 120, Asheville, NC 28803
Contact: Mindy Campos
Call: (828) 575-0355
Email: Asheville@ZaniacLearning.com
Girl Scouts Camp Pisgah
570 Girl Scout Camp Road, Brevard, NC 28712
Contact: Christine Le Clair
Call: (828) 862-4435
Email: cleclair@girlscoutsp2p.org
Art Buzz Summer Camps
640 Merrimon Avenue, Auite 108, Asheville, NC 28804
Contact: Ece Okar
Call: (828) 255-2442
Email: asheville@wineanddesignUS.com
Contact: Wendy Land
Call: (828) 606.4827
(Mobile Business) Summer Camps are held upstairs at Fun Depot
Email: wland@bricks4kidz.com
Roots + Wings School of Art and Design
Summer Creativity Camps and Design Studios
Contact: Ginger Huebner
Call: (828) 545-4827
Email: info@RootsAndWingsArts.com
Asheville Buncombe Youth Soccer Association Summer Camps
410 Swannanoa River Road, Asheville, NC 28805
Contact: Mike Rottjakob
Call: (828) 299-7277 ext. 302
Email: miker@abysa.org
Carolina Day School Summer Camp
1345 Henderson Road, Asheville, NC 28803
Contact: Libby Roland
Call: (828) 274-0757
Email: lroland@cdschool.org
FIRST Community Resource Center Summer Camps
West Asheville Parks and Recreation Center
P.O. Box 802, Asheville, NC 28802
Contact: Janet Price-Ferrell
Call: (828) 277-1315
Email: janet@firstwnc.org
35 E. Walnut Street
Asheville, NC 28801
Call: (828) 254-1320