
My Journey to Transformation

By Jessica Taylor December 5, 2019

In July 2016, I was in a deep depression. I'd come home from work, sit on the couch and go to sleep. Someone else would make me dinner and bring me a plate of food. I avoided going to the store or any place where I’d have to walk any amount of distance. People would come to visit, and I’d fall asleep. I’d eat fast food and an unhealthy number of calories. I sat a lot at my job.

Then one sentence said to me forever opened my eyes, “You are going to die.” The follow-up discussion about how my son was going to be without me as his mother if I continued down my current path was just as eye-opening. I thought about not seeing him graduate, get married, have kids or achieve other moments of success, if I was going to die. I was killing myself slowly with food, unhealthy living habits, and depression with anxiety. I didn’t want to do this to my son or to me. 

I called Blue Sky Medical the next day. I weighed in at 477. I never want to see those three numbers again. Blue Sky set me up with a meal plan for caloric intake, accountability and support, and taught me so much about nutrition and exercise. I started exercising at home, sitting on a stool and progressed to dancing workouts (a passion of mine!).

In 2017, when Burn Book Camp-Asheville opened up, I made the decision to sign-up for a 30-day Free Trial. I kept seeing Burn Boot Camp ads all over social media. Seeing the ads got me excited, but then I’d feel defeated that I might not be able to do what the ads showed. I chatted back and forth with the head trainer, Zach Rossitch. I let him know my concerns of starting something so new and intimidating. He convinced me to walk through the doors—the hardest part. I sat down with him before the gym opened and he convinced me to come back on orientation day—when there was a flood of people seeing Burn open its doors for the first time. 

Burn Boot Camp, Asheville, Day One: 12.3.2017 Zach and me

The First Year

When I started Burn Boot Camp, I was 403 pounds. The first year I had a hard time finding my focus. I carried a lot of stress from relationships, my employment and many other contributing factors. I had a hard time finding consistency and really figuring out how to beat obesity. I failed at a commitment to Zach to begin a journey. He worked so hard helping me put together goals and expectations, and I completely took his help and the promises to myself for granted. I failed a lot the first year. I yo-yoed with my nutrition. To be completely transparent, I did not take it as seriously as I should have.

Same clothes, two years apart: 12.2017 (left) and 12.2019 (right)

The Second Year 

Something triggered fire in me in year two. In February, I made the decision to take back my purpose and work harder than I ever had toward my goals. I reached back out to Blue Sky for constant accountability and guidance. Although Zach was more than helpful and patient with my nutrition, I knew I also needed Blue Sky as a tool to succeed on my journey. I had success with Blue Sky before. 

Since February, I lost 67 pounds as of last week's weigh in. Today, December 3, 2019, I had my focus meeting with Zach. I wore the same clothes from my day one photo, purple tank and gray shorts. These clothes were my every day workout clothes for weeks. They would be washed and dried every night for me to wear the next day until I bought more. Since they were so important at the beginning, I wanted a photo to compare the progress of then to now in the same clothes. I was completely shocked at the outcome.

Since I began my weight loss journey, I have lost a total of 40.5 inches. 31 of those inches lost are since I joined Burn Boot Camp. Specifics for each area that is measured is 15.5 inches have been lost from my waist (13in since Burn); 15 inches off my hips (8in since Burn); 4 inches total off my right leg; and 6 inches off my right arm. Total weight loss as I write this is 149 pounds since I began this journey.

When I look at the photos I took today, I have a lot of different emotions. Joy is the biggest emotion I am feeling because I never thought I would be able to see myself changing and losing the weight that I knew was holding me back for years. Joy because I am free of the deep depression that took over my life for so long. Joy because I am achieving goals with an amazing support team filled with love, patience, gratitude and celebration in all that I do. 

This journey is far from easy. Finding myself again has been the biggest struggle I have ever endured. However, I not only look like a different person from my first day at Burn Boot Camp, I also feel like a different person. I am happy. I am confident. I am strong. I am fierce. I am me again. There is no amount that I could pay anyone for that feeling again. Finding my spirit has definitely been the biggest reward aside from all the firsts I have endured, the things I have been able to experience with my son, and the deep-down gratitude I have for every single person who is cheering me on throughout my journey.

Open House: Come out this Sunday, December 8, to check out Burn Boot Camp, meet the Burn team: trainers, staff, owners, and some members! Ask any questions you have regarding Burn Boot Camp! 
We will be hanging out. Hope to see you there! Find the Facebook Event here.

I continue to be a client at Burn Boot Camp-Asheville and Blue Sky MD. Both are helping me meet my goals and achieve success one step at a time. I am forever grateful for communities that accept you for you, love you for you, and encourage you no matter where you are in your journey.

Burn Boot Camp Asheville has forever impacted my life—from a healthier lifestyle to lifelong friendships. To the trainer and support team at Burn Boot Camp: Zach, Amy, Maya, Carrie and Jenny, you guys saved me. 

Despite all the emotions I am feeling, I have not cried yet. I am trying to figure out exactly how and what I should feel. I am forever thankful for the people I have met and friendships I’ve gained throughout my journey. I’m also feeling a desire to push harder and truly focus to meet my February 2020 goal and push toward the next one. 

Bring on year three!

Follow Jessica’s journey here.

Find out more about Burn Boot Camp Asheville here.

Want to reach out to head trainer Zach Rossitch before coming in the doors? You can email him here:

Find out more about Blue Sky Medical here!