Take a look inside Zaniac Summer Camp! Zaniac, a Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math enrichment learning center for kids grades K-8 is open for weekly Summer Camps! Here's a recap of Summer Camps held June 15 - 19!It is such a pleasure to greet our campers each morning as they arrive excited for another day of camp! It was equally heartwarming when they asked for "just five more minutes," when it's time to leave for the day, because they are having so much fun! Electronics Lab Get charged up! Campers learned the basic properties of electricity and electronics through hands-on projects. We talked about the fundamentals behind circuitry and how circuits are used in the technological devices we use today. Our campers also had fun building spinning motors, and building circuits using copper tape, batteries and tea lights. Minecraft Redstone Campers were full of energy and enthusiasm as they collaborated to solve team challenges. Campers used electrical engineering concepts to create complex machines such as a clock or a calculator. Together we learned about inputs, outputs, logic gates.
Minecraft Galaxy Campers had a great time building rockets and traveling to the Moon and Mars. Game-Based Learning using Minecraft™ capitalizes on the love campers already have for the game as we explored the galaxy, Earth's oceans, and undersea life. We also designed and built rockets that travel to the moon, International Space Station, and even Mars. The final camp culminated with a team-building space rescue!
Python Coder Turtle Talk programming! Campers learned about turtles—little arrows students use to program. We used turtles to learn loops, methods to make drawing numbers/shapes easier, and conditionals which change the way the turtle will move based on what they tell it to do.
Future Design Builders Campers had a blast building roller coasters, bridges and wind tunnels. We used the Engineering Design Process to design and create as we solved problems independently and collaboratively using science and math skills. 3D Printing Our campers worked with cutting-edge software and technology to get immersed in the engineering and design process. Together we created 3D prints to take home! |
See Zaniac's Safety Protocols Here!
See Zaniac's Summer Camp Schedule Here!