
List Your 2020 Wins

A Note From Your Publisher

By Sandra Bilbray October 8, 2020

Before your mind advances to 2021 and the kind of year you want to have, don't forget to list your 2020 wins. It was a hard year, but I'm guessing you have a lot more wins to celebrate than you might realize.

When you are plowing through the various demands of life, you might overlook a major source of daily happiness: Your wins, your accomplishments, the things on your list (or off) that you have actually managed to get done. There is power in small wins, and it’s the fulfillment that comes from making progress on meaningful goals. 

Each day you experience wins, both major and minor, but you could be moving too fast (or you are too hard on yourself) to notice. Entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk acknowledges he has a hard time celebrating wins because he “loves the climb.” But he says there is danger in ignoring both incremental wins and wins of any size. To always be focused on “what's next?” can deplete you. What if you're forgetting all the things you've achieved and making yourself feel bad about what you haven't? 

Once you make an effort to start noting and celebrating your wins, it can increase your sense of self-worth and your happiness. Plus, people are often motivated by celebrating stepping stones of progress.

Boost your well-being by acknowledging your achievements, large and small. 

Grab a piece of paper and brainstorm your list.

Want more tips? You can find the rest here -> Live Happy!