We told our daughters they could make a blanket fort to sleep in for the weekend, and they acted like we hung the moon. My husband took the plan over the top with a blow-up air mattress for their fort. The girls put the finishing touches on with some Christmas lights.
In a hard year, I’ve noticed how small moments illuminate.
Simple things matter.
This year has caused big, meaningful pivots and an appreciation of the simple.
In between the sucky stuff I find small moments that I love. Lately, our daughters jump out around corners and try to scare us. It's pretty funny except for when I'm cooking. I love the peaceful nighttime snuggled under a blanket and enjoying the Christmas tree lights.
Yesterday, as my elderly Dad faced his second surgery this year, I joked with my husband that at least I’ll get some alone time at Mission Hospital.
When hard things happen, we still need to laugh.
This week I was talking on the phone with a friend of mine who tragically lost her sister. In the background, my daughter was crying about her temporary tattoo that didn't come out right. My friend heard and laughed. Our kids switch our minds from the big stuff to the sweetness of the present moment.
Kids teach us that this moment matters.
As my husband and I went to bed the other night, we checked on our girls asleep in their blanket fort. The night light was on, and they were both asleep, side-by side. There was Sydney (only 7) with her eye mask on like she’s queen of the castle. It made us laugh.
2020 isn't all bad. Our kids are showing us the way forward.
Sandra Bilbray is a nationally published writer, regular contributor to Live Happy, and publisher of Asheville Macaroni Kid. She lives in Asheville with her husband, twin girls and two dogs. Email Sandra at SandraB@macaronikid.com