This morning I was half awake as I let the dogs out in the backyard. The house was dark. I walked back into the kitchen, turned the light on to feed the dogs, and our breakfast table was all set up for my daughters. Napkins, silverware and everything. I froze for a second. I didn’t put that breakfast on the table. I didn’t know whether to laugh or freak out because everyone was still asleep. My husband was waking up, but it wasn't him. I checked on our girls but they were sound asleep.
A few minutes later, the girls wake up and under their blankets they are fully dressed for the day. They said they woke up at 2:45 a.m., got dressed for the day, set breakfast out and went back to bed so they’d have time in the morning to play with new Birthday toys before the first Zoom call of the school day, which starts at 8 a.m.
My husband and I had a good laugh.
I realized a couple of things.
1. This makes an excellent prank.
2. I must have been tired. Normally I have mommy radar.
I love that they are excited about being eight years old now. Conspiring to get more play time out of a remote school day? I love that, too. Turns out, they had a plan. If Riley woke up first, she'd wake Sydney, and vice versa.
I have to say, it was a good way to start the day. I'll take the giggling antics of our kids any day over the intensity our world keeps serving up.
Stay present is really sound advice right now.
Sandra Bilbray is a nationally published writer, regular contributor to Live Happy, and publisher of Asheville Macaroni Kid. She lives in Asheville with her husband, twin girls and two dogs. Email Sandra at