
You Matter

A Note From Your Publisher

By Sandra Bilbray February 19, 2021

Lately it seems like so many people are dealing with something on top of life already being pandemic different. 

Lots of people have challenges stacked right now.

If that's you I say: Don’t forget to remind yourself that you’re strong. 

I'm all about fixing what I can, but we all face challenges that aren't entirely in our control to fix. For those tricky problems, I either focus on what I can do or learn.

I’m learning to accept (rather than carry) what I can’t fix. 

I realized I can have empathy with limits, and not be a sponge for how everyone else is feeling.

I’ve learned what a fierce advocate I can be for others. 

Every now and then I need to remember to be that person for myself, too.

Maybe you need to hear this, too.

Have a question or comment for me? Email me at 

Sandra Bilbray is a nationally published writer, positive human, and publisher of Asheville Macaroni Kid. She lives in Asheville with her husband, twin girls and two dogs. 

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