
Happy Little Snapshots

A Note From Your Publisher

By Sandra Bilbray April 8, 2021

Don’t you love when you’re inside an ordinary moment with your family and you realize how happy you feel?  Inside those moments, I attempt the impossible—to slow down time—by snapping a quick pic on my iPhone or recording a memory into my mind. Just like curling up with a favorite blanket, immersing yourself in happy family moments feels so comforting and fulfilling. 

I'm trying to hold on to eight-year-old moments.

Right now, Riley is missing her two front teeth and it’s so dang adorable, especially when she smiles big. She even jokes that she looks like a Jack-O-Lantern. Laughing, she randomly shouts, “How am I going to eat corn on the cob?”

Sydney and I had a chat in the car the other day about writing in a journal or diary. She said, “Mom, when you write, you can take your thoughts out of your head and put them on paper instead.” Wow, I thought. She gets it.  She understands it's healthy to express her thoughts and feelings.

This year the Easter Bunny stuck the game Uno and a few books in their Easter baskets in between the Cadbury Eggs and the PEEPs. We played a few rounds together before getting dressed for the day. Then we switched to the Unicorn playing cards and did a fun game of Slap Jack. Remember that one? We had 1,000 things to do, but leaving things undone created the space to have an ordinary family moment. 

I'm feeling hopeful for lots of ordinary moments ahead. 

Have a question or comment for me? Email me at 

Sandra Bilbray is a nationally published writer, positive human, and publisher of Asheville Macaroni Kid. She lives in Asheville with her husband, twin girls and two dogs. 

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