I absolutely adore the Halloween tradition of picking out a coordinated family costume -- whether it is homemade or store bought, your child(ren) will love the fact that everyone is involved and you will cherish the photos captured.
If your child is too young to volunteer ideas of their own, I suggest working around their interests. With a plain white onesie, some light yellow yarn, and a hot glue gun, I fashioned together a costume of my daughter's favorite food at the time: spaghetti! Picking up two red aprons and chef hats for my husband and I (thank you Hobby Lobby), we made it into a family costume. Two years ago when the Tiger King documentary dropped on Netflix, it just so happened that my daughter's favorite animal at the time was a tiger, so it came together perfectly. Last year, with the addition of her baby brother, we worked around one of her favorite bedtime stories, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and he made the perfect "baby bear."
Drawing inspiration from childhood movies and books, check out these ADORABLE families and get inspired for your next family costume:
101 Dalmatians
| Photo Credit: The Delk Family
| Photo Credit: The Tanner Family
Wizard of Oz
| Photo Credit: The Warner Family
The Little Mermaid
| Photo Credit: The Meadows Family
Cat in the Hat
| Photo Credit: The Bonebrake-Black Family
Photo Credit: The Rutkauskas Family
Toy Story
Photo Credit: The Head Family |
With Halloween right around the corner, the clock is ticking to pick out your crew's next costume. From my family to yours, stay safe, stay warm, and happy trick or treating!!
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