Downtown HendersonvilleMain StreetHendersonville NC 28739
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Main Street Merchants offer Trick or Treating, costume contest and dance party! Trick or Treat begins at 5 p.m. costume registration begins at 4:30 p.m.
In Hendersonville from Allen Street to Sixth Avenue and sponsored by Henderson County Parks & Rec, HOLA Carolina & Downtown Hendersonville!
- Trick or Treat throughout Main Street including additional vendor tables in the 300 and 400 blocks beginning@5:00
- Inflatables and DJ Dance party in the 200 block@7:00
- Halloween Movies in the 300 block beginning @ 7:00
- Costume Contest for all ages plus a new pet category. Registration begins @4:30; Judging @6:00
Celebrity judges will choose top contestants from each category to participate with final vote by the crowd for first place. Crowd favorites will receive an amazing prize bag full of donations from generous Hendersonville merchants.